Shin Megami Tensei Network
Link 64

All aboard the E3 hype train!!! This week Spencer​, Waffles​, and Melissa​ are joined by special Patreon executive producer Algebra Falcon​. After discussing all the latest news we came up with one of the oddest Evokers we have ever had. The very first ever group Evoker is: Will Konami give bad omens at E3 2015? Let us know your answer in the comments below and you could win a PS4 code for the Final Fantasy XV demo (2.0 coming next week) thanks to Algebra. We also go over our E3 2015 predictions. If you want to tell us your three predictions and play along with us let us know in the comments below. Whoever gets the most correct predictions will get a prize! Finally big thanks to Waffles for drawing this weeks cover art inspired by the latest Sho wig DLC in P4DAN.

Be sure to also check out our Patreon here

Direct download: Link64-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:25pm CDT