Shin Megami Tensei Network
Link 24-Bike Love

SMTN is back to talk all about another golden episode from Persona 4 Golden Animation. Along with hearing what Spencer, Will, Melissa, and Waffles thought about episode 2 we also discuss what your thoughts you shared on the Facebook group.

This week our evoker to all of you is if you have any questions for Kevin Frane the man who translated Avatar Tuner Vol. 1 let us know because we will have an interview with him next week. 

Finally if you want a chance to win a free copy of Avatar Tuner we are having a contest and all you need is to submit your own fan art to us. Just upload the art to our group or tweet it at us on twitter. Just make sure you tag Spencer on the group so we can collect them all in one album.

Remember to also support the podcast on out Patreon here

Direct download: Link24edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:54am CST