Shin Megami Tensei Network
Link 54

The whole gang is back for Link 54 with Spencer​, Waffles​, and Melissa​ talking about the biggest P4DAN news yet. Along with covering the latest news, answering questions, and show feedback we FINALLY start our Game club for Devil Survivor Overclocked. So if you want to playthrough the game with all of us just play until the end of the first day by next weeks episode. We will start a discussion thread later in the week to avoid spoilers for everyone else. Finally this week's Evoker is: Who do you want us to invite on the show next? As always let us know your answer as well as thoughts on this weeks show.

Be sure to also check out our Patreon here

Direct download: L54-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:16am CST