Shin Megami Tensei Network
Link 48

Happy Persona 5 information dump week everybody! To celebrate our massive news filled podcast Spencer​, Melissa​, Waffles​, and special guest Devon​ talk about everything from Devil Survivor 2 Break Record sales and everything we experienced at the Persona Super Live 2015 stream. Instead just give this episode a listen as we sort through the details with a fine tooth comb. Also we give our overall opinions and even rad off plenty of your thoughts on Persona 5 and Persona 4 Dancing All Night. We also have a winner for our Game Club and starting next month we will start a play through of Devil Survivor Overclocked on the 3DS as a community. I will have more details as we get closer to March. This weeks Evoker is: What was your overall feelings/thoughts for the Persona Super Live 2015 30 Hour live stream event?

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: L48-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:52pm CDT