Shin Megami Tensei Network
Link 43

The last episode of 2014 is finally here and we have had an absolutely amazing year for the podcast. This week Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles. are joined by special guests Andrew, Alicia, and Keith. We talk about 2014 and even list our top 5 games we played this year. The evoker of the week is: What is your favorite game you played in 2014 and why? It didnt have to come out this year you just had to play it this year. Also our holiday photo caption contest will be starting this week so stay tuned to the facebook group everyday! Thank you as always for listening and lets all have an even better year in 2015!!!

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: Link_43-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:41am CST

Link 42

The holiday 2014 special episode of SMTN is here for all of you to enjoy. We invited our Patreon Executive Producers and got one of the wackiest shows we have ever recorded. Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa are joined by special guests Anthony, Cole, Jacob, Robert, and Will! We talk all about 2015 and cover all sorts of subjects and new titles. Let us know what you think about this weeks show in the comments below. Big thanks again to all of you who supported us on Patreon and expect to hear from even more of them soon.

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: L42-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:03am CST

Link 41

After being gone for the week SMTN is back and only a little less sick! Spencer, Waffles, and executive producer David sit down to talk all about the latest in news. Along with talking about our favorite toothpaste we also answer your questions and even discover what a white elephant gift is. This week's Evoker is: What is your most memorable moment from SMT/Persona? You may post spoilers in your response, but just try to tag them so others don't get spoiled. As always let us know what you thought of this weeks episode and I hope you enjoy!

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: L41edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:20pm CST

SMTN Radio

This is a very special week of SMTN and the very first episode of SMTN Radio. I took all of your song suggestions from the group and made a playlist for all of you to enjoy. We will have a normal episode next week, but until then we hope you enjoy this little experiment. Our Evoker is still the same so let us know your thoughts on Persona Q if you haven't already.

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: SMTNRadio.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:22pm CST

Link 40

Hope you all are enjoying your copies of Persona Q! This weeks episode is full of Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa talking all about our early impressions of the game now that it is out for everyone to enjoy. No questions were answered this week as we wanted to focus on the main topic, but we do have a brand new Evoker of the week for all of you. This weeks Evoker is: Did Persona Q live up to your expectations so far and why? Let us know your resonse on our facebook group or twitter.

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: L40edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:21am CST

Link 39

Link 39 of the podcast is here and we can't be excited to get our hands on Persona Q this week! Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa also talk about what surprises Atlus might bring to the PlayStation Experience next month. As usually we have a new Evoker for you all this week. The Evoker of the week is: Why do you think the overall interest in Persona Q is so low compared to other titles in the series and why? Let us know your responses in the comments below.

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: Link39-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:41pm CST

Link 38-Teddie and the Dog?!

On this weeks podcast Spencer, Waffles, Melissa, and executive producer Alicia present a game packed show for all of you to enjoy. We start off by going over the Persona Q and A video where we learn new facts about the upcoming release of Persona Q. After that we start a new segment that probably won't come back, but if you wanna see us bring it back let us know. Our evoker this week is: What SMT/Persona game would you want to be adapted into an anime series/movie/OVA and why? 

Anyone who replies to the Evoker of the week on facebook or twitter will have a chance to win a PC/Mac copy of Retro City Rampage. If you don't want to win a copy just mention it when you reply to the evoker.

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: L38-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:25pm CST

Link 37-Too Many Personas

On this weeks show Spencer and Waffles enjoy a short, but sweet show. We talk about life, Persona Q, and answer questions. This weeks Evoker of the week is: Submit a SMT/Persona joke and we will read them all on next weeks show (quality of the joke doesn't matter just give it your best shot). As always leave us show feedback. We also recommend watching Too Many Cooks during this weeks bloopers or earlier. (


Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: L37edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:09pm CST

Link 36-2014 Halloween Special

Happy Halloween everyone and this time we have a very special episode of the podcast for all of you. Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles (who drew this weeks awesome episode art) sit down to tell all of you a creepy pasta/scary story related to Shin Megami Tensei/Persona. I hope you all enjoy this format and be sure to give us your feedback of this episode on Facebook or Twitter.

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: L36edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:40pm CST

Link 35

Spencer and Waffles sit down for a two person show this week. We talk about the Atlus USA Halloween sales and even the annual Atlus-o-Weenie. After that we talk about our Halloween special with the Evoker of the week. For this week we want you to send us any Persona/SMT creepy pastas/scary stories. You can find one and send it in or even make one up on your own and we might just read it for the special next week. Special thanks to Catalina Veronica Gonzalez for this weeks episode art.

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: L35edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:48pm CST

Link 34-P4AU Spoilercast

The spoilercast for Persona 4 Arena Ultimax is here for you all to enjoy, but for those who have not gotten around to beating the story mode yet don't worry because we saved it for the end of the show. So enjoy hearing Spencer, Melissa, Ernesto, and Waffles talk about if P4AU delivered story wise. Our evoker this week is: What random/obscure character from Persona or SMT would you add to P4AU? Let us know your answer in the comments below as well as what you thought of the episode.

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: L34-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:56am CST

Social Link With Erin Fitzgerald

On this weeks special episode we had the amazingly talented Erin Fitzgerald on to talk all about her life as a voice actor and even what it is like voicing Chie Satonaka. I hope you enjoy this interview because I know we had a blast recording it. Don't forget the evoker from last week is still going on so send us your blow up teddie pictures.

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: SLink-Erin-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:55am CST

Link 33-Persona 4 Arena Ultimax Arrives

Happy Persona 4 Arena Ultimax launch week everyone! To celebrate this momentous occasion Spencer, Waffles, and Ernesto sit down to talk all about our thoughts of the game so far. Along with that we even fit in time to talk all about our thoughts on the finale of P4GA. Our Evoker this week is: What have you done with you inflatable Teddie bop bag. Instead of commenting we want you to take a picture to show us all. Have fun and go crazy!

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: link33edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:58pm CST

Link 32-Persona 3 Movie Commentary Part 1

The long awaited commentary for Persona 3 Spring of Birth is finally upon us for all of you to enjoy! Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa talk about the good, the bad, and the waifus so be sure to find a copy and enjoy our commentary. Also no Evoker this week just pick up Ultimax and play it as much as possible so we can all play together soon. Fight Club is coming back for good this time so get your bodies ready!

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

This was recorded in google hangouts so please forgive the audio not sounding like it usually does.

Direct download: Link32edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:24pm CST

Link 31-TGS 2014 Wrap-up

The TGS 2014 bets are in and we have two winners. Tied with 4 points each Sean and Cameron congrats you two! On this weeks episode Spencer, Waffles, and patreon supporter Adam talk about TGS and Adam's thoughts after spending time with the import copy of P4AU. The Evoker this is: What setting would you use in a brand nee SMT/Persona game. Let us know your answers in the comments below.

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: Link31edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:57am CST

Link 30-Super Shin Megami Bros IV

It's hard to believe we have already made it to Link 30! This episode features Melissa, Waffles, and Spencer talking about a lot of 3DS news. Along with giving our opinions on the Persona Q 3DS XL, looking at all of your TGS bets so far, and even answering all of your awesome questions. The Evoker of the week this time is: What Amiibo do you think will sell the best and worst and if you want to explain your choices feel free to elaborate. Cover art by Sam Monroe


Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: Link30edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:35am CST

Link 29-TGS 2014 Bet Special

Link 29 is upon us and so is our Tokyo Game Show 2014 Bet Special! Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa cover the usual topics this week, but our Evoker of the week is quite different. What are your three bets/predictions for this years TGS and then tell us your Super Bet. A Super Bet has to be something way out of left field and not something easy to guess. Each correct bet is worth 1 point and correct super bets are worth 3 points. So if you would like to try to win the TGS bet we have going on tell us your bets in the comments below and in two weeks we will crown the winner. Also we will defiantly have a prize for whoever wins!


Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: Link29edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:06am CST

Link 28-Patreon Hop-Ons

Link 28 has arrived and we have a very special kind of episode for all of you. Spencer, Melissa, Waffles, and special Patreon guest Armando (@C7monkey) are on this weeks show as we all hold back our jealous tears since none of us imported P4AU...yet. Thanks to all of you for replying to last weeks evoker and this weeks evoker should be just as interesting. What non video game series would you want to see become a video game developed by Telltale Games? Let us know your answers and thoughts on this weeks episode in the comments below.


Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: Link28edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:06pm CST

Link 27-Pig The Cat

On this week episode Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles sit down to talk about this weeks news. There lots of new regarding Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, Atlus sales, and even Persona 4 Golden Anime thoughts. Heads up Spencer is super sick this episode. The Evoker of the week is: What is your favorite SMT/Persona battle theme and why?

Direct download: Link-27edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:35am CST

Link 26-No Fat Jokes

SMTN is finally back to regular episodes with Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa. We talk about some great sales ending soon, P4G anime, answer your questions, and even more random moments we shouldn't mention here. Our evoker this week is: Are you sick of Persona 4 yet and why?


Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: Link26edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:43pm CST

Link 25-SMTN Live!

At Motaku 2014 we held a panel all about Persona's future and turned it into a podcast for all of you to enjoy who wasn't able to come. If you were there thank you a ton and hopefully we can keep doing these in the future.

Direct download: Smtn_Live.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:55pm CST

Social Link With Kevin Frane

On this very special episode we interview Kevin Frane. Kevin is translating the first volume of Avatar Tuner which is releasing in english on July 31st. You can pre order the book here This is the first volume out of five and if we ever hope to see the rest of this story release in english support it by buying volume 1 as soon as you can.

Big thanks to Kevin for talking with us and if you would like to check out his past work go here.

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: KevinFinterview.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:44pm CST

Link 24-Bike Love

SMTN is back to talk all about another golden episode from Persona 4 Golden Animation. Along with hearing what Spencer, Will, Melissa, and Waffles thought about episode 2 we also discuss what your thoughts you shared on the Facebook group.

This week our evoker to all of you is if you have any questions for Kevin Frane the man who translated Avatar Tuner Vol. 1 let us know because we will have an interview with him next week. 

Finally if you want a chance to win a free copy of Avatar Tuner we are having a contest and all you need is to submit your own fan art to us. Just upload the art to our group or tweet it at us on twitter. Just make sure you tag Spencer on the group so we can collect them all in one album.

Remember to also support the podcast on out Patreon here

Direct download: Link24edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:54am CST

Link-23 New Game Plus

On this weeks episode we talk all about the Persona 4 Goolden anime and how incredibly awesome it is. Spencer, Will, Melissia, and waffles also talk about upcoming games releasing and the new reboot of Sailor Moon.

Remember to also support the podcast on out Patreon here

Direct download: Link23edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:16am CST

Link 22-The Egocentric Police Dick

SMTN is now going weekly thanks to all of you who donated to our Patreon! We are aiming to upload new episodes every Sunday. On this episode we have a full show with guests like Waffles and Sean as well as a few technical problems thanks to skype. 

Remember to also support the podcast on out Patreon here

Direct download: Link22edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:14am CST

Link 21-Too Old For Hanukkah?

Two shows in less than a week?! You better believe it and to help make this podcast happen Spencer and Melissa hop on for a special news filled podcast. We also answer tons of questions from listeners as well as start a very special evoker of the week. We want to have a special SMT/Persona triva podcast, but first we need your help. All you need to do is send us a message on twitter directly or send Spencer a message through facebook with your piece of trivia as well as four multiple choices. We are hoping to have this episode done by the end of July so send them in asap!

Remember to also support the podcast on out Patreon here

Direct download: Link21edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:37pm CST

Link 20-Yu So Swag

E3 2014 has come and cone and while Atlus had a very weak showcase this year the show must go on. Spencer and Will host a two man show and also discuss their favorite games at E3 as well. Remember to also support the podcast on out Patreon here

Direct download: Link20edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:32pm CST

Link 19-E3 2014 Hypetrain

Spencer, Melissa, and Netto get together to discuss what we hope to see at this years E3 conference less than a month away. There is also plenty of news such as the P3 movie and more PS2 classics releasing.

Direct download: Link-19edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:01pm CST

Link 18-Watch_Puppies

Atlus has revealed it's super secrect project that was teased and the fans are pissed! Spencer and Melissa sit down to talk all about the pros/cons of Persona 4 Golden the animation coming this summer.


Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: Link_18-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:15pm CST

Link 17-Cosplay

Spencer gets special guest Thomas and Emma on this episode to talk about cosplay. We also have a bit of house keeping news and P4AU news/leaks. Be sure to check out out new Patreon page at

Direct download: Link17-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:58pm CST

Link 16-PS2 Memories

The latest and greatest episode of SMTN is here for you all to enjoy and is filled with all kinds of discussion. Spencer, Merlissa, and Netto talk about the upcoming bluray release of the first Persona 3 movie and what the release of these Atlus PS2 classics might mean for PlayStation owners in the future.

Direct download: Link_16_edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:49pm CST

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Podcast

Just a special one off for talking all about MGSV before it's launch this week.

Direct download: MGSVGZ-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:51pm CST

After Hours Link 6

Spencer and Melissa get together for another episode of After Hours and as always talk about Americas favorite Vita game from Japan! We also answer some more great questions from all then listeners.

Direct download: SMTN_After_Hours_Link_6-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:11pm CST

Link 15-Persona News Is Always Dandy Baby

Technical difficulties be damned Spencer and Will get together to talk about all the Person news in regards to North America and plenty of other topics.

Direct download: SMT_Network_Link_15_Edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:03pm CST

SMTN: After Hours Link 5

Big changes talked about in this new episode about everything happening to SMTN in the future with Will and Spencer.

Direct download: Link5-edit.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 12:02pm CST

Social Link With Ghostlight

Happy 2014 and we are back with an episode of Social Link after taking a break for the holidays. This is a very different interview because in stead of talking to a voice actor Spencer talks with one of the staff members at Ghostlight who helps bring out some of the best Japanese games to Europe. So enjoy and look forward to many more episodes and social links in 2014!

Direct download: Ghostlight-edit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:59pm CST

Gaming Union Radio-Best Of 2013

Here is a special one off podcast taking a look back at the best video game soundtracks picked by listeners by you and the staff of Gaming Union. Be sure to let us know what you think of it.

Direct download: GURadio2013.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:04pm CST