Sun, 23 August 2015
This summer has been filled to the brim with Persona news so we decided that we should end the summer with an episode talking about the SMT classics as requested by the listeners. Spencer talks about 99% of the games while Waffles and Melissa learn about the more obscure side of SMT. The Evoker this week will be used in our Metal Gear Podcast next week and we want to know what favorite moment from the MG series is your favorite and why? You may also go game by game telling us your thoughts on each writing as little or as much as you want in the comments below. Thanks again for listening and submitting questions every week! Support us on Patreon at |
Sun, 16 August 2015
With our Facebook Group reaching over 3000 members we keep our promise and marathon both Persona 3 movies back to back. Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa make a drinking/Oreo eating challenge out of these movies if that wasn't enough already. Many good, bad, and butt related conversations are had. By the end of it all we even catch someone shedding a few tears. We hope you enjoy this massive 3+ hour episode and will be back next week for a regular episode. Support us on Patreon at |
Sun, 9 August 2015
This week Spencer, Waffles, and sometimes Melissa join us to discuss almost everything besides all the latest news on Dancing All Night (don't worry we still do). After one of our most off topic openers ever, we continue that trend with this weeks Evoker. This week's Evoker is: If you could add any Disney, Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars character to Disney Infinity let us know in the comments below using the hashtag #OurDisneyInfinity. Let us know what you think of this episode in the comments below as well as your Evoker reply. Support us on Patreon at |
Sun, 2 August 2015
This week Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa talk about Atlus re releases along with your weekly dose of Dancing All Night news. We also discuss some of the latest gaming news such as Dragon Quest XI getting announced because we couldn't help ourselves. Our Evoker this week is: Do you plan on going to Taiyou Con and what panels would you like to see us submit(besides just a live podcast)? Thanks again for all the questions and let us know your answers/thoughts on this episode in the comments below. Support us on Patreon at |