Shin Megami Tensei Network
SMTN is here to talk about SMT sales in Japan for all 3DS titles. This comes after the disappointing sales of Deep Strange Journey launching in Japan last October. Spencer and Waffles also talk the game awards giving Persona 5 best RPG of 2017, and some more news we have missed since our last episode. We cant give you an ETA on the next episode, but we will do our best to make a episode just in time for Christmas. So cross your fingers wish us luck and thank you for always being patient with us. Don't forget to leave show feedback in the comments below for this episode.
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:16pm CST

Spencer from SMTN and Keith from Did You Know Tensei team up for a surprise crossover episode. I hope you all enjoy the surprise show we hope to do more community interaction with not only SMTN but MegaTen communities all over.
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:27pm CST

Spencer and Waffles catch up on some news while answering your questions the only way we know how...FAST AND LOOSE. The Evoker this week is IMPORTANT the next spoiler cast will be on 10/31/2017 should it be over SMTIVA or P5? We will do both eventually but we need to pick one asap! Let us know in the comments below or on twitter.
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:35pm CST

The MoGameCon Social Link special episode is finally live for you to enjoy. We not only have an interview and recorded panel with the team behind My Life In Gaming as well as Douglas from Limited Run Games! Thanks to everyone for sitting down with us to talk.
More Limited Run Games stuff here:
More My Life In Gaming stuff here:
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:03pm CST

BIG week for all things Persona as we have three brand new games that got announced. Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles talk about the two new dancing games as well as what the mysterious PQ2 could be. Your reactions and questions this week were amazing so thank you as always. The Evoker this week is: Are you more excited for P3D/P5D or neither and why? Sorry about the beginning audio quality but to make up for it we have a good blooper for you at the very end.
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:20pm CST

The whole gang is back together this week to talk about all thing SMT again. Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa also get into another heated argument in regards to Mayo vs Ketchup. Thank you all as well for the great replies to last week evoker and all the questions.
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 7:46pm CST

While Spencer and Melissa are still down a Waffles we bust out a show for you this week. Our Evoker of the week is about SMT Strange Journey Redux not getting an English dub. Let us know your though, why that is, and what we can do to show Atlus USA they should change their minds (the game isn't even done in Japan so there is plenty of time for them to change their minds). Also let us know your show feedback and thanks for the questions as always.
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:48pm CST

After 100+ episodes SMTN has finally had to record it's first one man show with no script Spencer brings you this weeks show all by himself. Let us know what you think of the show and how it turned out. Also we will be back in less than a week from now with a full lengthened show to talk AX and more Strange Journey! Also thanks to all of you for submitting questions/topics for the show.
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:28pm CST

The podcast is back in less than a week with another show to keep you busy for a little under an hour to kill time before Anime Expo. Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles talk about the idea of SMT Nine possibly coming to the Xbox via backwards compatibility and talk about what makes a grilled was a slow news week. Thank you for the questions and we will see you next week!
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:03pm CST

The podcast is still going through growing pains as we are working out recording kinks but in the mean time please enjoy this post E3 2017 episode. Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles talk about Strange Journey Redux coming to the west and E3 moments that stood out to all of us. Thank you again for your patient and support the last few months if you have stuck with SMTN.
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:58pm CST

Heads up we are messing around with new recorders so sorry in advance for the audio quality. Spencer and Melissa discuss Persona 5 as well as other Persona 5 related news. Also we discuss the DLC released so far and if it is worth the asking price.Thank you all for the questions and being patient during the lack of episodes.
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:46pm CST

SMTN has survived another year at Naka Kon and 2017 was a big improvement for the convention as a whole! While we were unable to record any interviews we did record a Persona 5 panel with Robbie Daymond and Max Mittelman as well as a post con wrap up with Devon and Dylan from All-Out Attack.
Next episode should still be our SMTIVA spoilercast if we can get it recorded this weekend.
Direct download: Naka2017reup.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:49pm CST

This week we are proud to have voice actor Sean Chiplock sit down and talk to us about all things from voice acting, dungeon crawling, and most impotently fanboying over Criminal Girls.
Also for all of your Demon Gaze guide needs here is a link to Sean's guide:
Be sure to check him on on social media below
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:37pm CST

We are about to embark on a Deep Strange Journey in 2017 to celebrate 25 years of SMT. Spencer and Waffles stayed up all night just to watch the always underwhelming Atlus JP livestream to let you know what we think of the Strange Journey 3DS remake that got announced. For the Evoker this week we want to know what features you would like to see added and why?
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:30am CST

With the Nintendo Switch finally released Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa get together to shame Spencer on how much money he spent. All joking aside we are now less than a month away from Persona 5's English release. Thank you all for your questions and don't forget to lick those Switch carts and let us know what they taste like to you!
We will be at Naka Kon 2017 next week so look forward to lots of special episodes and interviews coming up. If you are attending the convention let us know!
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:27am CST

The plague be damned SMTN is making an episode even though Spencer was still sick! So Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles go through the SMT news, celebrate the Vita turning 5 years old along with you and your comments. We look forward to doing next weeks episode and talking all things switch as well just because Spencer can't help it. Are you getting a Switch next week let us know your launch plan in the comments below.

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:47am CST

Link 128
The SMTN crew is back this week and Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa are here to cover the latest news. Atlus sent out a very interesting survey with possible hints at future titles. We also discuss what Persona 5 finishing development in May 2016 actually meant for us outside of Japan. As always thank you for the questions and wish us luck in terms of not being sick next episode!
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:48am CST

Worth The Macca Pilot With John Hardin
Hey guys so long story short I got sick at the start of the weekend and couldn't record a new show so to make sure you all had something to listen to this week is something mostly new. Last year I recorded an interview with an interview with John Hardin of Atlus/Sega for a Patreon exclusive epiosde. Now this interview is free for anyone to listen to. We will be back next week with a regular show and I hope you all enjoy this if you haven't heard this before.
Follow John on twitter @JohnLHardin
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:48am CST

Enlgish DLC trailers for Persona 5 have been rolling out from Atlus USA recently so this week Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles discuss if this is a good thing or not. So for the Evoker this week we ask you the same thing: How do you feel about getting DLC trailers right now for a game we won't have until April? Let us know in the comments below and thanks as always for submitting this weeks questions.
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:07am CST

Link 126
With the reveal of the Nintendo Switch we have two brand new SMT games and this podcast is all about guessing what they are about. Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa also talk about other aspects of Nintendo's latest console. The Evoker this week is:What kind of SMT games be for the 3DS and HD Project? Let us know in the comments below and thanks for all the questions!
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:51am CST

Link 125
SMTN has made it into 2017 and we are back to weekly episodes along with being back on iTunes (Sorry it took so long). Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa ring in the new years with some news about Atlus plans in 2017. Our main topic has us ranking the best of the best in terms of Persona box art over the last 20 years. So the Evoker this week is: What is your favorite and least favorite Persona box art and let us know why?
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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:43pm CST

The whole gang is in this episode so you have Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles talking about having almost no news and how Final Fantasy XV is so far. Next episode will be out sooner trust me. Also thanks again for all of your questions.

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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:52am CST