Shin Megami Tensei Network
Link 120
Link 120 is here and we not only have some English Persona 5 news to talk about, but we also take a look back at SMT if... If there is a game from the MegaTen series you want us to do a segment talking about let us know in the comments on our FaceBook group or on twitter @SMTNetwork
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Direct download: L120edit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:15am CST

Link 119
This week Spencer and Waffles fall down a deep dark talking about Dragon Ball for almost a third of the show. Besides that we complain about Aniplex as they keep selling over priced Persona bluray releases from Japan in the news section. Finally we wrap up our show by answering more listener questions. Also next week get ready for a new history section coming to the podcast!
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Direct download: L119edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:49pm CST

Link 118
Another week of Spencer and Waffles slogging through the Apocalypse and talking about Persona 5 DLC we can't touch until February must mean this episode is gonna be a shorter one than usual sorry guys. We will start having more interesting topics and discussions now that news has pretty much dried up for all things SMT. That being said we appreciate all the questions you gave us to help get us through another episode of this podcast. Also be on the look outs in your Facebook inboxes to see if you won a SMTIVA poster.
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Direct download: L118-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:29pm CST