Sun, 25 January 2015
We are finally back and to make up for being gone a week the music in this week's show is taken directly from the Persona/Lotus Juice Concert. Spencer, Waffles, birthday girl/sleepy head Melissa, and special Patreon guest Patrick are your hosts this week. We talk about the upcoming Persona concert in Japan, Ultimax coming to EVO 2015, Buffets in Vegas and much more. The Evoker of the week is: What SMT/Persona Character do you relate to the most and why? Thanks again for submitting so many awesome questions and be sure to let us know what you thought of this weeks show in the comments below! Be sure to also check out our patreon here |
Sun, 11 January 2015
On this weeks episodes the whole gang is back (even if it's only for a few minutes)! Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa actually have some important news regarding version 2.0 of P4AU. We won't let the fact that we can't actually read it or have Google translate it correctly stop us from bringing you the news. Besides that we talk about why Durarara being in Devil Survivor 2 is important and why more people should be excited for this cross over. Along with learning more things about the world of JoJo's we also answer your questions. This week's Evoker is: How would you feel if the DRRR content in DS2 was cut from the English version and why? Let us know your thoughts on this weeks episode in the comments below and thanks to Waffles for helping me with this weeks cover! Be sure to also check out our patreon here |
Mon, 5 January 2015
Sorry for the day long wait for this episode everyone. Life and technical difficulties got in the way, but didn't stop us from giving you a show this week. Spencer and Melissa sit down for a two person show and somehow the topic of Wisconsin beers came up after talking about the upcoming New Years Eve experiences. Our Evoker of the week is we want you to give us our own 2015 new years resolutions. We all hope your 2015 is off to a great start and can't wait to keep growing this community and podcast with all of you! Be sure to also check out our patreon here |