Shin Megami Tensei Network
Link 123
The last thing we wanted this week's episode to be all about was ANOTHER delay for Persona 5 sadly it can't be helped. Spencer and Waffles dissect the news and give our own takes on what this really means. Thanks for giving us your feedback on the delay and we will see you next week with another hopefully more jolly news section.
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Direct download: L123edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:11am CST

Link 122
Spencer and Waffles tag team another episode of the podcast for you all. The evoker this week is: What sort of arranged series would you like the see for any of the MegaTen games? Thanks for the questions also and we will see you next week after we see Persona 5 in English!
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Direct download: L122edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:28pm CST

Link 121
The Election is over and no matter what happens from there SMTN will always be there for you to have off topic discussions. Spencer and Waffles fill the news void by talking about games we are playing and answering all of your questions. Also don't forget to pick up one of Waffles limited Sho charms here:
Support me at
(sorry no Patron thanks at the end blame late night editing >_<)
Direct download: L121edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:47am CST

Link 120
Link 120 is here and we not only have some English Persona 5 news to talk about, but we also take a look back at SMT if... If there is a game from the MegaTen series you want us to do a segment talking about let us know in the comments on our FaceBook group or on twitter @SMTNetwork
Support us here
Direct download: L120edit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:15am CST

Link 119
This week Spencer and Waffles fall down a deep dark talking about Dragon Ball for almost a third of the show. Besides that we complain about Aniplex as they keep selling over priced Persona bluray releases from Japan in the news section. Finally we wrap up our show by answering more listener questions. Also next week get ready for a new history section coming to the podcast!
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Direct download: L119edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:49pm CST

Link 118
Another week of Spencer and Waffles slogging through the Apocalypse and talking about Persona 5 DLC we can't touch until February must mean this episode is gonna be a shorter one than usual sorry guys. We will start having more interesting topics and discussions now that news has pretty much dried up for all things SMT. That being said we appreciate all the questions you gave us to help get us through another episode of this podcast. Also be on the look outs in your Facebook inboxes to see if you won a SMTIVA poster.
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Direct download: L118-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:29pm CST

Link 117
The Apocalypse is finally upon Spencer and Waffles as we enter this week's episode. Besides giving impressions on SMTIVA we also go over a very small amount of news. Let us know in the facebook group comments if you want to be entered in the free poster giveaway. Let us know what you think of the show as always and thanks for listening.
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Direct download: L117-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:42am CST

Episode 7
TGS has come and gone and in it's place we bring you the latest episode of the Vita Life podcast! Spencer and Travis talk about the updated Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters, Censoring M rated games in the west, and the latest news regarding Danganronpa V3. We also answer your questions and have 10 Project Diva X posters for anyone who follows us on twitter @VitaLifePodcast and posts on this weeks comment thread on the Facebook group ( asking for a poster.
Support Spencer at
Support Travis at
Direct download: VL7.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:03pm CST

Link 116
This week Waffles and Spencer get hyped to talk about the latest release in the SMT series Apocalypse and how Persona 5 is doing in Japan. Besides the news we also get to some well needed questions and even got a new Evoker. This week's Evoker is: What do you think of SMTIVA so far and please be spoiler free! We will be back next week to talk all about the game after we finally get some 1 on 1 time with the game.
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Direct download: L116edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:25pm CST

Link 115

This episode was recorded live because we couldn't go any longer without giving you all an episode sadly this was not up to our regular quality. Still we hope you enjoy this one and we will be back next week to talk all things TGS and P5.

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Direct download: SMTN_Link_115_edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:27pm CST

Link 114
Thanks for your patients as Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles are back to talk about the biggest news that kinda sorta may affect Persona 5. This week's evoker is: How do you think Final Fantasy getting delayed will affect the overall release of Persona 5? Thanks again for all of your questions and listening to this week's show.
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Direct download: L114-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Link 113-$200+ P4 Pin Sets

This weeks SMTN is just a straight up news episode due to time restrictions and yet we still forgot to give the SMTIVA DLC announcement (expect that next week). Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles also get their mind blown for the P4 Udon pin set. The Evoker this week is: How long do you think it will take the P4 Pin set that went on sale today? Sorry no questions this week but let us know your replies to the Evoker in the comments below!


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Direct download: L113-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:27am CST

Link 112-Persona 5 Is Done!
This week we are literally flooded with Persona 5 news...but Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles talk about if this is still a good thing? Our Evoker this week is: Who has handled releasing information better Persona 5 or Final Fantasy XV? Please explain why in the comments below, but don't turn this into a what game you think is better argument. Thanks again for the questions and see you next week.
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Direct download: L112-edit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:44pm CST

Link 111-Sho Fans
It's gonna be one of those week for this episode of SMTN. Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa speculate on what the last bit of announcements for Persona 5's Japanese launch. Besides going through the strange and curious world of Sho Minazuki fans out there. The Evoker this week is:What do you want to see on, in and the price for the (hopefully) upcoming Persona 5 PS4 bundle? Let us know your answers and show feedback in the comments below!
Cover art comes from
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Direct download: L111-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:27pm CST

Link 110-Perofella Ultimax
The gang is back and we bring you plenty of news! Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles go over the a final SMTIVA date, Ultimax live show photos, and more. The Evoker this week is all about Deep Silver publishing Atlus/Sega titles in Europe. How does this change in publishers make you feel? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Help support the show here:
Direct download: L110-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:57pm CST

Link 109-Ben Moore Is Back
So while AX news was happening Spencer sat down with Ben Moore formally of Gametrailers and now at Easy Allies about literally anything we wanted for a bit over 2 hours so enjoy! Things talked about include TMS#FE, Persona 5, SMTIVA, being at E3, anime, manga, PlayStation Vita, and much much more we hope you have a good time listening to us chat! Expect us to return next week with lots of AX questions for Waffles and maybe JUST maybe a release date for Apocalypse.
Follow Ben on twitter here:
Support EZA on Patreon here:
Direct download: L109-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:10am CST

SMTN is back with Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa catching up on all the news from E3 2016! Besides that we finally answer some listener questions and have a brand new Evoker for you all. The Evoker this week is: What will the final SMTIVA release date since it is getting revealed later this week? Let us know your guesses and we will see you next week for another episode.
Support us on Patreon at and get exclusive access to our new podcast Worth The Macca!
Direct download: L108edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:13pm CST

Vita Life Episode 3

Sorry no SMTN This week but to make up for it I still wanted to upload something so here is Vita Life episode 3. I promise the show isn't taking over things just happened three weeks in a row. I hope you still enjoy if not send all complaints to Spencer @Torchwood4sp

Direct download: VL3edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:46pm CST

Episode 2-Little Dissapointments
We are hosting Vita Life on here for one last week blame Spencer's Wallet for the lack of a feed for this week.
Episode 2 of the Vita Life podcast is live and starting next episode we should have our own itunes feed. This week Spencer and Travis talk about the Junes PS+ titles, Criminal Girls 2 getting announced, and much more. Thanks for all the question as always and keep spreading the word so we can keep this podcast growing. Don't forget to get hyped for E3 2016 next week!
Follow us on twitter @VitaLfePodcast
Direct download: VitaLife2-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:52pm CST

Link 107-Waffles Gets Lewd
Spencer and Melissa welcome back Waffles who is still camping out in California for E3. This week we talk about more Japanese Persona 5 preorder bonuses (including a steelbook!). Besides that we also talk about what we are looking forward to next with with E3 just around the corner. Thanks again for the show feedback/questions and look forward to our E3 livestreams next weekend.
Support us on Patreon at and get exclusive access to our new podcast Worth The Macca!
Direct download: L107-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:51am CST

Vita Life Podcast Episode 1
This episode is a pilot and has only been featured on this feed to gauge feedback for this first episode!
Hello Vita owners and lovers of the world and welcome to the first episode of the Vita Life Podcast! On this episode you are introduced to your two hosts (Spencer Pressly and Travis McCollum). Besides that we go over all the latest news and apologies in advance for forgetting to mention Steins Gate 0. We then wrap up the show by answering a few questions.
As this is our first episode we are looking for as much feedback on how to improve the podcast and your thoughts on the show as possible so far. You can let us know on our twitter @VitaLifePodcast
Direct download: VitaLife1-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:00pm CST

Link 106-Choose A Side
While this week's show may be missing a certain breakfast item Spencer and Melissa sit down to talk about the brand new SMTIVA news for all of you. The Evoker this week is:What would you like to see us do during E3 this year? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or on twitter @SMTNetwork
Also be on the lookout this week for a brand new podcast on the feed that will have it's own home if the reception is positive and that is our brand new podcast about all things PS Vita called Vita Life. Keep up to date with it on twitter @VitaLifePodcast or on it's own Vita focused community group here:
Support us on Patreon at and get exclusive access to our new podcast Worth The Macca!
Direct download: L106edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:05pm CST

Social Link With The SPMT Team
This week we present a very fast and loose Social Link! Spencer sits down with some of the team who worked on Spencer Megami Tensei I/II. This includes Algebra, Abraham, Max, Dante, Victor, and Bogsy. If you don't know about Spencer Megami Tensei it is a RPG based around SMTN.
You can check out the first game here:
Don't forget to ask Bogsy weekly when the sequel will be done.
Support us on Patreon at and get exclusive access to our new podcast Worth The Macca!
Direct download: SL-SPMT-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:47pm CST

Link 105-More Personas Mean New Persona Lore!
After last week we still have more Persona 5 news to go over! Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles talk about the new Personas as well as talk about what inspired them. Besides that we go over all of your questions and show feedback. No Evoker this week as next week should be a special episode. Let us know your show feedback in the comments below.
Support us on Patreon at and get exclusive access to our new podcast Worth The Macca!
Direct download: L105edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:43pm CST

Link 104-Persona 5 Has A Release Date...In Japan
Persona 5 news has finally surfaced! We know about new party members, got tons of new gameplay, collector's edition revealed, and have an official release date Japan. Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles go over everything we saw during the horrifying Tokyo Tower Live Stream event. The Evoker this week is: What do you think Atlus has planned for Persona 5 at E3 now that we know Atlus Japan will be there with Atlus USA? Let us know in the comments below and feel free to leave your show feedback as well.
Support us on Patreon at and get exclusive access to our new podcast Worth The Macca!
Direct download: L104edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:38am CST

Link 103-Atlus Steelbooks Are Coming
This week is filled to the gills with nothing but news! Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles talk about preorder bonuses, Europe getting snubbed, and much more! Also this week's Evoker is: How does SMTIV:A not getting a limited edition make you feel and are you happy with the preorder bonus medals? Let us know your answers in the comments below as well as your show feedback.
Support us on Patreon at and get exclusive access to our new podcast Worth The Macca!
Direct download: L103edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:31am CST

Social Link With Limited Run Games II

SMTN takes a break this week to present another interview with Douglas from Limited Run Games. Since we last talked to LRG they have announced six more games they will be releasing soon and that is just the tip of the iceberg! In fact starting 4/25/2016 (tomorrow if you are seeing this the day before) they will be selling New N' Tasty for both the Vita and PS4 physically! Both games will only have 5000 copies printed for each system so don't hold off on buying these. Besides that we talk about how LRG has looked into helping bring more physical games from big publishers like Koei Tecmo! I hope you enjoy this interview just as much as we did recording it for all of you. Normal episodes of SMTN will return next week!

Buy New N' Tasty on PS4:
Buy New N' Tasty on PS Vita:

Support us on Patreon at

Direct download: LGRII-Edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:07pm CST

Link 102-Goodbye Final
Say goodbye to SMTIV Final and say hello to SMTIV Apocalypse (as long as you live outside of Japan that is). Spencer and Waffles perform a tag team power hour podcast for all of you to enjoy this week! Thank you all for submitting your thoughts on the name change for SMTIVA. We are also so proud of how our community has handled the news in both positive and negative ways.
The Evoker this week is: Does the news that Apocalypse is coming to NA Summer 2016 mean bad news for the release of Persona 5? Also at what point will you start to get worried since we have not had Persona 5 news since October 2015? Let us know your answers in the comments below!
Support us on Patreon at
Direct download: L102-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:03pm CST

Link 101-Shoe News

We are in full swing now that SMTN has gone past episode 100! To celebrate Atlus has graced us with so little news we talk about Persona pumps... On a positive note we are proud to announce a brand new podcast exclusive to all of our Patreon supporters no matter the amount you pledge. The show is called "Worth The Macca" and it will be a monthly long form interview that I hope you guys will love it!!!

The Evoker this week has us celebrating Atlus who recently turned 30 years old! So this week let us know what Atlus games mean something special to you all and bonus points if it isn't a SMT/Persona game. Let us know in the comments below and thanks again as always for listening.
Support us on Patreon at
Direct download: L101-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:36am CST

Link 100 Super Show Special
Link 100 has arrived and we couldn't have made it here without all of you so thank you everyone and an even bigger thank you to all of our Patreon supporters since we launched it in 2013. Instead of a podcast description I will just tell you who comes on this week's very special show in order!
Spencer, Waffles, Melissa, and even William talk about shared memories since we started this podcast/community back in 2012.
After that we sit down with a ton of our past special guests to tell us what they have been up to since we last talked to them.
Yuri Lowenthal and Tara Platt
Matt from Marcotte Studios
Support Matt Here:
Kevin Frane who translated Quantum Devil Saga Vol. 1
Erin Fitzgerald
Ross From Ghostlight
Finally big thanks to Waffles for providing the brand new SMTN logo and podcast art you will be seeing for us around the internet. Also thanks go out to Max Knutson for helping us finally have an actual theme song.
Support us on Patreon at
Direct download: L100edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:39am CST

Link 99-Featuring Linkle From The Legend of Zelda Series
This week we celebrate Waffles birthday the only way Spencer and Melissa know how. That includes having the do the episode twice, readout trivia, sing 90's boy bands, and try to answer your questions. This week's Evoker is a special one because next week we are celebrate hitting 100 episode of SMTN. So we want you to share favorite moments from the podcast, FB group, Fight Club, Conventions, and anything else that holds a special memory that this community/podcast helped make happen. Let us know in the comments below.
Support us on Patreon at
Direct download: Link_99_edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:02pm CST

Link 98-No Thank You VR
Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa scrap together this weeks worth of news for you all and finally bring a return to Evoker of the week! This week's Evoker is: What Persona 5 merchandise would you like to see Atlus release alongside the release of the game? Let us know in the comments below (we missed all your comments so don't hold back everyone)! Let us know what you think of the show this week in the comments below.
Support us on Patreon at
Direct download: L98-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:52pm CST

After Hours Link 8-Social Link With Karen Strassman+ Naka Kon 2016 Recap
We have survived another year of Naka-Kon and 2016 was an interesting year for the convention. Spencer sits down to talk with Karen Strassman Fan Page. Karen was the voice of Aegis and Nanako in Persona. The interview was taken in a loud bar, but we figured a loud interview was better than nothing at all. She was a great person to talk to and even gives us a sneak peak at what Aegis would say to Nanako if they ever met.
After that we talk about the entire weekend as a whole with Dylan and Devon from All-Out Attack. I hope you all enjoy the segments of a new world concert performed live at the convention as well.
Support us on Patreon at
Direct download: Naka_16.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:51pm CST

Link 97-TMS
SMTN has been hijacked and transformed into TMSN! Well not really, but to be fair we pretty much spend the whole episode talking about the latest Nintendo Direct. Spencer, Waffles McCoy, and Melissa will be back in less than a week to pick up game club for SMT IV before next week. We also appreciate all of your feedback and hope you enjoy this week's show even though we did something different.
Support us on Patreon at
Direct download: L97edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:22am CST

Game Club is back and we are finally in Tokyo! Joining Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa is executive producer Cole Carey. We mock the lack of news, give our thoughts on the Persona 4 Vol. 1 English release by Udon, and finally talk about how playing SMT4 is going. Thanks for listening and submitting questions as always!
This week Game Club will be playing until we start the mission The Seat of Government. Be sure to talk about your playthrough for Game Club here:
Support us on Patreon at
Direct download: L96-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:08pm CST

Link 95-Where Is Final!?!
Link 95 has arrived and so has SMTIV Japan. Spencer and Waffles go through all the latest news, rate the launch DLC for final, and try to figure out why Atlus USA has yet to announce Final. Game Club Part 3 will try to record as a stand alone episode and will go up later this week. Thanks again for all the questions and we hope you enjoy this news heavy show.
Support us on Patreon at
Direct download: L95-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:04pm CST

After Hours Link 8
Spencer is joined by Devon Johnson and Dylan Brashears from All-Out Attack in the return of SMTN After Hours! This week we talk about how Devon and Dylan got into cosplay, what is happening to the Valkyria Chronicles series, and answer some of your awesome questions as always. SMTN will be back next week as well as returning back to SMT IV game club!
Don't forget to follow All Out Attack Here:
Support us on Patreon at
Direct download: AH7-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:57pm CST

Social Link With Limited Run Games
SMT IV Game Club is taking a two week break due to conflicting schedules and a convention happening next weekend. This week we are very proud to present our special interview with Limited Run Games. Spencer sits down to talk all about how this company is helping bringing a retail versions of digital only games in very limited one print runs. We also talk about what it was like bringing their own game Saturday Morning RPG to consoles. We hope you enjoy this interview and we will see you next week for another special podcast!
Support us on Patreon at
Direct download: SL_LRG-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 5:47pm CST

Link 94-SMT IV Game Club Part 2
Link 94 has arrived and this week Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles step up their news game while making time to talk SMT IV as part of our game club. Along with talking delays, SMTIV merch, and downloading things, we also talk about the current state of Ultimax and how it got there.
Game Club this week will have you all playing until you start the main mission Peallaidh Extermination. Take this time to play all sorts of side missions and level up! Don't forget to post your Game Club thoughts on the SMTN Game Club Group here:
Support us on Patreon at
Direct download: L94-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:05pm CST

Link 93-SMT IV Game Club Part 1
Game Club has officially started but that doesn't mean Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa won't talk about the latest SMT/Persona news. We save all the Game Club talk for the very end and it will replace Evoker of the week until it is finished. Questions will also return next week.
This week we will be playing SMT IV until you finish the mission: Capture The Black Samurai. Don't forget if you want to join in on the discussion for the SMT IV Game Club you can join the new Facebook group here:
Support us on Patreon at
Direct download: Link_93-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:36pm CST

Link 92-Taiyou Con 2016
Taiyou Con 2016 has come and gone but fear not because we have a 2+ hour long podcast! Spencer sat down to interview Lotus Juice, Erin Fitzgerald, and Valerie Arem. We also included audio from concerts, karaoke, and even get hijacked by a drunk Cole Carey. We hope you all enjoyed this episode and will see you later this weekend for our first episode of SMT4 game club. It was a blast meeting any of you who came out to see our first big meetup and hope to do more of this in the future.
Support us on Patreon at
Direct download: L92_Taiyou_Con_2016_Special.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:21pm CST

Link 91-We Kaneko Not Wait For Taiyou Con!
This week we finally detail our plans at Taiyou Con and how our SMT4 Gameclub will work. Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa end up talking about the latest news, ranting about #Fe, and then moving into questions. The Evoker this week is: What game do you want the SMT 4 Final development team to move onto and why?
The SMT4 Gameclub's first stopping point will be right after starting To My Fellow Samurai - The Three Challenge Quests. Once you get to that point in your new games stop until we record our podcast for the week of January 24. If you have any questions feel free to comment below and I will help answer them all. I will create a separate post after Taiyou Con where we can all share thoughts and spoilers in the comments in case people don't want to play or get spoiled.
Support us on Patreon at
Direct download: L91-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:58pm CST

SMTN Radio 2015
This week instead of a regular episode we decided to make a playlist of the music that meant something to us from video games in 2015. These songs come from our personal favorites and suggestions from the listeners as well. Regular episodes returning next week and then we will be at Taiyou Con. Here are the songs and timestamps in order.
Hyperdiemension Neptunia Rebirth 2-Opening Full 1:00
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate-Golden Reminiscence 5:10
The Order 1886-Sir Galahad 7:37
Kirby And The Rainbow Curse-CROWNED 11:20
Dragon Ball Xenoverse-Track 22 15:58
God Eater 2-Intro Remix 19 :13
Under Night Rebirth-Sky Scraper High(Hyde's Theme) 22:22
Resident Evil Revelations 2- Heat on Beat 2015 26:26
Hotline Miami 2-Divide 30:03
Ori and The Blind Forest-Light of Nibel (feat. Aeralie Brighton) 34:17
Final Fantasy Type 0 HD-What Becomes of Us 38:33
Axiom Verge-Trace Rising 42:59
Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker-Triangulum 46:31
The Witcher 3-Sword of Destiny 51:42
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition-VERGIL Theme 54:02
Toukiden Kiwami-Snowflame 55:31
J-Stars Victory VS+-Dark Inferno 59:18
Everybody's Gone To The Rapture-The Mourning Tree 1:02:20
Until Dawn-O'Death 1:03:54
Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain-Sins Of The Father 1:06:46
Persona 4 Dancing All Night-Best Friends Banvox Remix 1:11:36
Dengeki Bunko Fight Climax-Belief 1:15:17
Dragon Quest Heroes-Stonecloud Theme 1:19:12
Call Of Duty Black Ops 3-Unstoppable 1:21:44
Fallout 4-Main Theme 1:25:04
Superbeat Xonic-Fantasti-K 1:28:03
Rodea The Sky Solider-Main Theme 1:30:10
Bloodborne The Old Hunters-Ludwig, The Accursed 1:33:03
Xenoblade Chronicles X-Primordia Day Theme 1:39:57
Undertale-Megalovania 1:45:13
Spencer Megami Tensei-Chaos 1:47:50
Thank you all for an amazing 2015 and we can't wait to enjoy another great year with all of you in 2016!
Support us on Patreon at
Direct download: SMTN_Radio_2015.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:34pm CST