Shin Megami Tensei Network
Link 40

Hope you all are enjoying your copies of Persona Q! This weeks episode is full of Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa talking all about our early impressions of the game now that it is out for everyone to enjoy. No questions were answered this week as we wanted to focus on the main topic, but we do have a brand new Evoker of the week for all of you. This weeks Evoker is: Did Persona Q live up to your expectations so far and why? Let us know your resonse on our facebook group or twitter.

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: L40edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:21am CST

Link 39

Link 39 of the podcast is here and we can't be excited to get our hands on Persona Q this week! Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa also talk about what surprises Atlus might bring to the PlayStation Experience next month. As usually we have a new Evoker for you all this week. The Evoker of the week is: Why do you think the overall interest in Persona Q is so low compared to other titles in the series and why? Let us know your responses in the comments below.

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: Link39-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:41pm CST

Link 38-Teddie and the Dog?!

On this weeks podcast Spencer, Waffles, Melissa, and executive producer Alicia present a game packed show for all of you to enjoy. We start off by going over the Persona Q and A video where we learn new facts about the upcoming release of Persona Q. After that we start a new segment that probably won't come back, but if you wanna see us bring it back let us know. Our evoker this week is: What SMT/Persona game would you want to be adapted into an anime series/movie/OVA and why? 

Anyone who replies to the Evoker of the week on facebook or twitter will have a chance to win a PC/Mac copy of Retro City Rampage. If you don't want to win a copy just mention it when you reply to the evoker.

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: L38-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:25pm CST

Link 37-Too Many Personas

On this weeks show Spencer and Waffles enjoy a short, but sweet show. We talk about life, Persona Q, and answer questions. This weeks Evoker of the week is: Submit a SMT/Persona joke and we will read them all on next weeks show (quality of the joke doesn't matter just give it your best shot). As always leave us show feedback. We also recommend watching Too Many Cooks during this weeks bloopers or earlier. (


Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: L37edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:09pm CST