Shin Megami Tensei Network
Link 59

Another week closer to the release of Record Breaker and hopefully this weeks latest podcast will help ease your pain. Spencer​, Melissa​, and Waffles​ talk about the newly released Devil Survivor 2 Bluray and how it compares to Record Breaker. As always we appreciate all of your questions you submit and even just taking the time to listen to our show! Until next week let us know what you think of this episode in the comments below.

Be sure to also check out our Patreon here

Direct download: Link59edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:05pm CST

Link 58

On this weeks show may be lacking the usual hosts, but makes up for it with all the manly guests we invited on. Spencer​, William​, Ernesto​, and Patreon Executive Producer Adam​ talk about the latest news for Dancing All Night and Record Breaker. Along with discussion various other random game announcements we answer your questions. this weeks Evoker has two parts: What would you call a mixtape to describe Spencer's life and what should Will's first born be named (bonus points if you have one answer for both). We hope you enjoy the show this week and as always let us know what you thought.

Be sure to also check out our Patreon here

Direct download: L58-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:04am CST

Link 57

First off a warning we had a lot of the audio in this weeks episode is a little quiet since we had some technical difficulties. hopefully you can all still enjoy it! This week Spencer​, Waffles​, and Melissa​ record an episode late into the night the only way they know how...FAST & LOOSE! We got over the latest Dancing All Night news and even talk a little bit about early Record Breaker thoughts (with more to come in the following weeks for sure). Our new segments also has us talking about Overclocked and what it did different. If you liked this and would like to see "Well what makes you so special" return just let us know in the comments below. Lastly, the Evoker this week is: How would you to see us cover Record Breaker in our upcoming Previews/Review? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. 

Be sure to also check out our Patreon here

Direct download: Link57-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:23pm CST

Link 56

The time has come and SMTXFE was revealed this week. To say the very least it was not the title we were all expecting it to be. So this week Spencer​, Waffles​, and Melissa​ go over their thoughts on SMTXFE turning into #FE along with a few other news points. Since we recorded a bit earlier than usual we didn't get to cover the P4DAN Kanji trailer. Our Evoker this week is: Who should be added to Smash Bros. as DLC from SMT/Persona? Let us know your picks in the comments below and as always we hope you enjoy the show!

Be sure to also check out our Patreon here

Direct download: Link56-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:30am CST