Shin Megami Tensei Network

SMTN has returned in record time and this time with lots of YAKUZA tickles! Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles go through the month of news we missed. We discuss things from SMTSJR getting no love in terms of PR all the way to more Cross Tag Battle talk. The Evoker of the week this week is: What is your favorite handheld gaming system and why? Also thank you for all the questions in this week's episode!

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Direct download: Link142-edit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:53pm CDT

2018 is here and so is the latest episode of the SMTN podcast...that we recorded over a month ago. Sorry for the wait and listen to the show's intro for an explanation as to why this happened. This show Spencer, Waffles, and Melissa talk about Cross Tag Battle, Catherine getting remake for Vita/PS4, and tons of P3/5D news. So strap in for a 2+ hour show! Expect a new episode by the end of the week.

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Direct download: Link141edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:32pm CDT