Shin Megami Tensei Network
Link 36-2014 Halloween Special

Happy Halloween everyone and this time we have a very special episode of the podcast for all of you. Spencer, Melissa, and Waffles (who drew this weeks awesome episode art) sit down to tell all of you a creepy pasta/scary story related to Shin Megami Tensei/Persona. I hope you all enjoy this format and be sure to give us your feedback of this episode on Facebook or Twitter.

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: L36edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:40pm CST

Link 35

Spencer and Waffles sit down for a two person show this week. We talk about the Atlus USA Halloween sales and even the annual Atlus-o-Weenie. After that we talk about our Halloween special with the Evoker of the week. For this week we want you to send us any Persona/SMT creepy pastas/scary stories. You can find one and send it in or even make one up on your own and we might just read it for the special next week. Special thanks to Catalina Veronica Gonzalez for this weeks episode art.

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: L35edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:48pm CST

Link 34-P4AU Spoilercast

The spoilercast for Persona 4 Arena Ultimax is here for you all to enjoy, but for those who have not gotten around to beating the story mode yet don't worry because we saved it for the end of the show. So enjoy hearing Spencer, Melissa, Ernesto, and Waffles talk about if P4AU delivered story wise. Our evoker this week is: What random/obscure character from Persona or SMT would you add to P4AU? Let us know your answer in the comments below as well as what you thought of the episode.

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: L34-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:56am CST

Social Link With Erin Fitzgerald

On this weeks special episode we had the amazingly talented Erin Fitzgerald on to talk all about her life as a voice actor and even what it is like voicing Chie Satonaka. I hope you enjoy this interview because I know we had a blast recording it. Don't forget the evoker from last week is still going on so send us your blow up teddie pictures.

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: SLink-Erin-edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:55am CST

Link 33-Persona 4 Arena Ultimax Arrives

Happy Persona 4 Arena Ultimax launch week everyone! To celebrate this momentous occasion Spencer, Waffles, and Ernesto sit down to talk all about our thoughts of the game so far. Along with that we even fit in time to talk all about our thoughts on the finale of P4GA. Our Evoker this week is: What have you done with you inflatable Teddie bop bag. Instead of commenting we want you to take a picture to show us all. Have fun and go crazy!

Be sure to also check out our patreon here

Direct download: link33edit.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:58pm CST